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World according to Jiří

An exceptional documentary film about an idea on how to save the planet which comes from a material physicist and his daughter.
Date: 2023
Cíl: PR
Director: Marta Kovářová
Production: GNOMON Production

P2M Consulting

PR, eventy a vzdělávání

About the film

Brno native, material physicist and passionate handyman RNDr. Jiří Svoboda, CSc., DSc. has an idea on how to save the planet. But nobody listens to him which angers his daughter Marta, musician and mother of two. She takes a camera and goes “into the world” with her dad. She wants to test if the world could work the way her father imagines. All those contacted agree that Jiří’s establishment of the world would be an ideal solution. Yet after four years of communicating his idea of a global carbon tax and dividends for all, they stand alone. Are they coming up with the idea too late? Or too soon? A strong personal story, Jiří’s humor and charisma, Marta’s original songs, raw film material and an inspiring idea to save the planet create an unmissable film with a potential planetary social impact.

The development and production of the documentary were supported by the State Cinematography Fund.


map Masarykovo nábř. 250, 110 00 Nové Město

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