The Nightsiren
A thirlling magical story
The Nightsiren is a magical drama set in the Slovak mountains where eight-year-old Charlotte accidentally throws her younger sister off a cliff. When she realizes what she has done, she runs away from home. During the film, she returns home as a grown woman with the intention of hiding from the world, but in solitude and nature she has no chance to escape what she has closed her eyes from for so long.
PR Strategy
PR kampaň mířila na balancování a využití dvou hlavních komunikačních linií filmu. Jednou je umělecká stránka – kvalita filmu, talentovaná režisérka, styl a pojetí filmu. Tou druhou jsou témata pro širší publikum, tedy otevírání aktuálních témat jako je svoboda, sebepřijetí, síla a pověry.
The PR campaign aimed at balancing and using the film’s two main lines of communication. One is the artistic side – the quality of the film, the talented director, the style and concept of the film. The second line are the topics for a wider audience such as freedom, self-acceptance, strength and superstitions.
Social media
We aimed for the widest possible organic reach and high user interactions. We prepared a paid campaign to generate wide interest in seeing the film in cinemas and worked with organic community building from August 2022 and during the cinema release in October by supporting campaigns to attract as many visitors as possible. Our main lines of communication were emotions and video content from the movie.
Influencer cooperation
Cooperation with influencers was a very important part of the campaign. We organised a special event “Sunbathing under the moon”, which followed scenes from the film and was an extended hand between the film and a personal experience. We also prepared an influencer premiere of the film which was attended by over 50 famous personalities.
Masarykovo nábř. 250, 110 00 Nové Město
Jiráskovo náměstí / Myslíkova
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